QAt the time of working in the graphic editor or viewing the results of calculation the structure disappeared from the screen.
AClick on the right mouse button and choose Bring back in the drop down menu.
QHow to do so that all graphic editor options were accessible simultaneously?
AChoose View/Tree Menu option in the main menu of the graphic editor.
QThe demonstration examples in software Demo versions did not started.
AThe demonstration examples can be reproduced only at the certain adjustments of the screen. The resolution of the screen should the same as one specified during the demo - example creation. For Windows 98: Active Title Bar - Size 18, Menu - Size 18, Font Tahoma 8, Active Window Border - Size 1, Scrollbar - Size 16; for Windows 2000: choose either Windows Standard or Windows Classic, the size of a font choose Small; for Windows XP: choose Windows Classic, the size of a font choose Usual or Small.
QThe demonstration examples in Demo versions are started successfully, but since some moment of time start to work obviously incorrectly.
AThe probable reason will be, that on your computer the English language is not established as default. For installation the English as language by default bring the cursor to the language icon of a on the tasks panel and click on the right the mouse button. In the appeared menu choose Settings. Choose as default language English.
QHow can I quickly give the wind loading?
AStart the graphic editor. Choose right menu item SCHEME/LOAD SURFA, and generate loading surfaces. Choose menu item LOADS. Depending on type of influence choose STATIC or STEAD.STATE or ARBITR.DYN. Select the Element Type option and choose a loading surface. Select Load Type menu option and choose wind loading. Select on menu Element item and mark the necessary loading surfaces. Click on the Load menu item and enter parameters of wind influence.
QIs it possible to give various damping loss factors for various elements of the structure?
AFor the dynamic calculations carried out in a distributed masses mode it is sufficient to give the own damping loss factor for each material in the Materials table. For calculations carried out in the local masses mode the uniform logarithmic decrement on all structure can be set. However, if it necessary, it is possible to set different damping loss factors for each natural in the Damping loss factors table.
QIn the Arbitrary dynamic influences calculation all forces within of one loading multiply on the same time function. What can I do, if some groups of the forces varying by the different time laws?
AYou can carry out loadings on several independent loadings so that all forces within the one loading varied proportionally to same time function. Set for all loadings the same step of delivery of results (in some cases the software itself denominates a step of delivery; in this case set for all loadings the least step from offered by the software). At viewing the results of calculation generate a combination of loadings what you need.
QIs it possible to estimate relative moving of nodes in the Arbitrary dynamic influences calculation mode?
AAt viewing the results of calculation click on the node. On the panel appeared on the screen click on the button " Relative to … ". Set in the appeared window number of node relative to which you want to observe the moving.
QWhile tuning the optimum parameters dynamic absorbers the software recommends extremely improbable value of absorber mass. What is the reason?
AThe most probable reason - the absorber is adjusted not on that frequency, that you think. Probably, the software has established, that frequency of absorber adjustment is near to own frequency of system, which fluctuations does not give any influence in the direction of the absorber moving.
QIt is needed to construct a grate structure with inclined carrying elements with diaphragms non-uniformly located on height. How can I cut in inclined racks nodes in the locations of diaphragms if only their vertical marks are known?
ADraw inclined racks and draw a vertical line with points corresponding to the diaphragms locations. Enter SCHEME/SHELL OPER mode and mark the racks. Initiate the command Cut plate 1. Mark a node on a vertical line corresponding to an arrangement of a diaphragm and click in any place on vertical line.